all postcodes in SS15 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS15 6DR 27 12 51.584875 0.420536
SS15 6DS 1 1 51.58307 0.423471
SS15 6DT 6 0 51.582209 0.422068
SS15 6DU 19 12 51.582437 0.420608
SS15 6DX 35 0 51.581916 0.416207
SS15 6DY 32 0 51.581919 0.413854
SS15 6DZ 46 0 51.581006 0.413675
SS15 6EA 2 2 51.577883 0.398427
SS15 6EB 8 8 51.583135 0.419866
SS15 6ED 22 20 51.582919 0.42251
SS15 6EE 1 1 51.581358 0.405279
SS15 6EF 1 1 51.578619 0.398509
SS15 6EJ 24 0 51.577178 0.420949
SS15 6EL 20 0 51.578729 0.42031
SS15 6EN 13 0 51.579457 0.420738
SS15 6EP 34 0 51.578746 0.418608
SS15 6ER 25 0 51.579523 0.41888
SS15 6ES 15 0 51.580731 0.421326
SS15 6ET 4 0 51.579239 0.416469
SS15 6EU 26 0 51.578644 0.416134