all postcodes in SS1 / ROCHFORD

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS1 1PJ 22 6 51.539743 0.701805
SS1 1PL 1 1 51.540829 0.709095
SS1 1PW 15 0 51.540144 0.701944
SS1 1PP 3 2 51.541124 0.70529
SS1 1PQ 19 9 51.540172 0.705205
SS1 1PR 1 1 51.540391 0.709776
SS1 1PT 47 1 51.53961 0.706008
SS1 1PU 21 0 51.539069 0.705846
SS1 1PX 24 0 51.538771 0.70629
SS1 1PY 4 0 51.538931 0.707165
SS1 1PZ 18 0 51.539238 0.707097
SS1 1QA 74 1 51.537811 0.706608
SS1 1QB 33 0 51.538112 0.707578
SS1 1QD 29 0 51.538216 0.708132
SS1 1QE 29 0 51.539625 0.707091
SS1 1QH 1 1 51.539899 0.711189
SS1 1TJ 6 6 51.54025 0.710806
SS1 1LW 1 51.53815 0.712152
SS1 1GL 23 0 51.534684 0.711902
SS1 1LR 1 0 51.538147 0.712281