all postcodes in SS1 / ROCHFORD

find any address or company within the SS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS1 1NB 29 0 51.538615 0.710333
SS1 1ND 4 3 51.537958 0.71191
SS1 1NE 1 0 51.538499 0.712043
SS1 1NF 17 1 51.539676 0.708031
SS1 1NG 3 0 51.538929 0.708795
SS1 1NH 52 0 51.537563 0.709175
SS1 1NJ 31 0 51.538371 0.708459
SS1 1NL 26 4 51.539296 0.70811
SS1 1NN 4 0 51.539338 0.711156
SS1 1NP 51 0 51.537582 0.709897
SS1 1NQ 24 0 51.538376 0.709021
SS1 1NT 11 7 51.539845 0.710407
SS1 1NW 1 1 51.539751 0.710228
SS1 1NX 5 4 51.540069 0.708516
SS1 1NZ 1 1 51.540422 0.710167
SS1 1PA 1 1 51.541837 0.705174
SS1 1PE 1 1 51.540484 0.710026
SS1 1PF 3 3 51.540626 0.706977
SS1 1PG 35 13 51.540112 0.707033
SS1 1PH 30 7 51.539906 0.703502