all postcodes in SS5 / HOCKLEY

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS5 5JA 34 0 51.610938 0.667738
SS5 5JB 19 0 51.604551 0.659074
SS5 5JH 10 0 51.609672 0.670813
SS5 5JL 5 0 51.610944 0.671408
SS5 5JN 19 0 51.61138 0.67399
SS5 5JP 1 0 51.612198 0.67557
SS5 5JR 1 0 51.614885 0.679599
SS5 5JS 1 0 51.61636 0.679989
SS5 5JT 4 0 51.617705 0.678205
SS5 5JU 9 5 51.615746 0.675764
SS5 5JW 5 0 51.609966 0.676737
SS5 5JX 8 2 51.61427 0.672268
SS5 5JY 5 0 51.615591 0.671912
SS5 5LA 1 0 51.616253 0.668814
SS5 5LB 2 0 51.616262 0.667991
SS5 5LD 8 1 51.617488 0.67354
SS5 5LE 8 1 51.619271 0.671045
SS5 5LF 1 0 51.616059 0.665207
SS5 5LG 1 0 51.618699 0.664596
SS5 5LH 2 0 51.628297 0.665562