all postcodes in SS5 / HOCKLEY

find any address or company within the SS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS5 5LN 1 0 51.620334 0.665444
SS5 5LQ 6 1 51.62542 0.66645
SS5 5LR 6 1 51.617095 0.641662
SS5 5LS 3 0 51.618315 0.644189
SS5 5LT 7 1 51.617421 0.649136
SS5 5LU 5 3 51.619306 0.650746
SS5 5LX 35 0 51.619457 0.649355
SS5 5LY 3 0 51.618977 0.64914
SS5 5LZ 21 0 51.619083 0.648019
SS5 5NA 19 0 51.619549 0.648075
SS5 5NB 12 0 51.619504 0.650095
SS5 5ND 6 0 51.619661 0.650292
SS5 5NE 9 0 51.619998 0.647335
SS5 5NG 39 0 51.620137 0.648326
SS5 5NL 10 0 51.619542 0.655934
SS5 5NP 8 0 51.615761 0.658891
SS5 5NQ 34 1 51.620478 0.649155
SS5 5NR 6 0 51.615185 0.662094
SS5 5NT 11 0 51.614211 0.658627
SS5 5NU 33 0 51.613312 0.661392