all postcodes in SS9 / LEIGH-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS9 2BJ 0 51.546396 0.651872
SS9 2BP 0 51.542389 0.651077
SS9 2BQ 0 51.544893 0.650487
SS9 2BS 0 51.542091 0.651507
SS9 2BU 12 51.54244 0.652003
SS9 2BW 0 51.542389 0.651077
SS9 2BX 11 51.542192 0.653013
SS9 2BZ 7 51.541888 0.653759
SS9 2DA 2 51.542047 0.652081
SS9 2DD 2 51.541807 0.652961
SS9 2DE 0 51.540956 0.653994
SS9 2DF 0 51.54105 0.653033
SS9 2DG 0 51.540874 0.653253
SS9 2DH 0 51.540275 0.654458
SS9 2DJ 0 51.540528 0.653824
SS9 2DL 0 51.540043 0.654589
SS9 2DN 0 51.540078 0.653235
SS9 2DQ 0 51.540597 0.653151
SS9 2DR 0 51.540304 0.652196
SS9 2GD 1 51.540267 0.652641