all postcodes in SS9 / LEIGH-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS9 2HA 20 51.542562 0.652573
SS9 2HB 4 51.542442 0.653893
SS9 2HE 7 51.542853 0.653224
SS9 2HF 0 51.54511 0.649677
SS9 2HG 1 51.542839 0.653454
SS9 2HJ 2 51.542845 0.651969
SS9 2HL 7 51.542871 0.650456
SS9 2HN 2 51.54288 0.649245
SS9 2HP 4 51.542543 0.64862
SS9 2HQ 0 51.542853 0.653224
SS9 2HR 0 51.542235 0.648746
SS9 2HS 0 51.543732 0.649352
SS9 2HT 0 51.544228 0.648112
SS9 2HU 0 51.543637 0.649952
SS9 2HW 9 51.542489 0.649842
SS9 2HX 0 51.543672 0.650402
SS9 2HY 0 51.544993 0.65006
SS9 2HZ 0 51.546307 0.650021
SS9 2JA 0 51.546242 0.650493
SS9 2JB 1 51.547573 0.650095