all postcodes in SS9 / LEIGH-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS9 4BB 16 0 51.560393 0.659468
SS9 4BD 28 0 51.560055 0.664052
SS9 4BG 26 0 51.560112 0.665887
SS9 4BH 10 0 51.558838 0.667357
SS9 4BJ 30 0 51.561464 0.665375
SS9 4BL 36 0 51.56152 0.664079
SS9 4BQ 44 0 51.559368 0.666594
SS9 4BS 7 0 51.560659 0.657248
SS9 4BT 10 0 51.560478 0.658737
SS9 4BU 7 0 51.561314 0.658527
SS9 4BX 27 0 51.561737 0.661264
SS9 4BY 20 0 51.561573 0.662149
SS9 4BZ 18 0 51.561589 0.66342
SS9 4DA 32 2 51.562515 0.660299
SS9 4DB 8 0 51.562104 0.660564
SS9 4DD 3 0 51.562268 0.659679
SS9 4DE 20 0 51.563961 0.658364
SS9 4DF 10 0 51.564537 0.658354
SS9 4DG 26 3 51.562717 0.656545
SS9 4DH 1 0 51.563726 0.652852