all postcodes in SS9 / LEIGH-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS9 4DJ 9 0 51.563374 0.650162
SS9 4DL 2 0 51.564323 0.648557
SS9 4DP 30 0 51.561923 0.659803
SS9 4DQ 30 0 51.562794 0.654731
SS9 4DR 1 0 51.567318 0.63915
SS9 4DS 10 0 51.568836 0.63563
SS9 4DT 7 0 51.570195 0.632808
SS9 4DU 6 0 51.57018 0.631883
SS9 4DW 13 0 51.553415 0.659422
SS9 4DY 22 0 51.569717 0.636071
SS9 4DZ 28 0 51.568499 0.638612
SS9 4EA 5 0 51.553623 0.658972
SS9 4ED 60 0 51.569707 0.633933
SS9 4EN 2 2 51.564338 0.656683
SS9 4EX 3 3 51.563705 0.654583
SS9 4HA 38 0 51.555186 0.659078
SS9 4HB 8 0 51.554843 0.658726
SS9 4HD 15 0 51.555153 0.657316
SS9 4HE 24 0 51.555722 0.657638
SS9 4HF 35 0 51.556799 0.658105