all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 5HH 12 53.106274 -2.025111
ST13 5AB 13 53.105619 -2.023858
ST13 5AF 1 53.105511 -2.023574
ST13 5AJ 14 53.105619 -2.022019
ST13 5AS 6 53.104873 -2.019183
ST13 5AT 3 53.10473 -2.015538
ST13 5AU 0 53.104991 -2.015703
ST13 5AW 1 53.105645 -2.024769
ST13 5AX 0 53.104838 -2.013686
ST13 5AY 1 53.104524 -2.012431
ST13 5AZ 0 53.103742 -2.011371
ST13 5BA 1 53.103787 -2.012356
ST13 5BB 0 53.104048 -2.010549
ST13 5BD 0 53.104047 -2.009202
ST13 5BE 0 53.104542 -2.007024
ST13 5BF 0 53.101648 -2.007084
ST13 5BG 0 53.103517 -2.008279
ST13 5BH 0 53.102456 -2.011266
ST13 5BJ 2 53.101558 -2.009682
ST13 5BL 0 53.101297 -2.008532