all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 6BH 6 53.111822 -2.015942
ST13 6BJ 0 53.110896 -2.016138
ST13 6BL 4 53.105323 -2.017943
ST13 6BP 0 53.11193 -2.015063
ST13 6BQ 0 53.111427 -2.016422
ST13 6BS 0 53.111679 -2.015406
ST13 6BT 0 53.111517 -2.013614
ST13 6BU 0 53.111157 -2.014002
ST13 6BW 1 53.112461 -2.016422
ST13 6BX 0 53.111652 -2.014122
ST13 6BY 0 53.111014 -2.012523
ST13 6BZ 0 53.110438 -2.014584
ST13 6DA 0 53.108748 -2.014972
ST13 6DB 1 53.109629 -2.016075
ST13 6DF 0 53.110006 -2.01796
ST13 6DH 7 53.107174 -2.022351
ST13 6DL 0 53.106725 -2.021066
ST13 6DN 0 53.108018 -2.023977
ST13 6DP 1 53.107542 -2.023486
ST13 6DS 5 53.106958 -2.022813