all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7SD 16 1 53.090562 -1.929348
ST13 7SE 1 0 53.083056 -1.929673
ST13 7SF 5 0 53.087588 -1.950479
ST13 7SG 4 0 53.105443 -1.957673
ST13 7SH 5 0 53.113836 -1.952003
ST13 7SP 13 2 53.10591 -1.888007
ST13 7SQ 4 0 53.114217 -1.959697
ST13 7SR 7 0 53.111842 -1.877624
ST13 7SS 2 0 53.116339 -1.863548
ST13 7ST 11 0 53.105426 -1.879823
ST13 7SY 23 0 53.1053 -1.889427
ST13 7SZ 4 0 53.104067 -1.887369
ST13 7TA 6 0 53.101948 -1.890377
ST13 7TB 1 0 53.103223 -1.888507
ST13 7TD 27 1 53.106716 -1.894368
ST13 7TE 1 0 53.100811 -1.905718
ST13 7TF 2 0 53.1043 -1.908336
ST13 7TG 5 0 53.110318 -1.913241
ST13 7TH 1 0 53.112524 -1.895474
ST13 7TJ 4 0 53.105695 -1.88865