all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7NR 6 0 53.064086 -2.037653
ST13 7NS 79 0 53.067529 -2.03494
ST13 7NT 7 0 53.067566 -2.031284
ST13 7NU 1 0 53.089367 -1.980877
ST13 7NW 6 0 53.064643 -2.037562
ST13 7NY 1 0 53.076781 -1.946611
ST13 7NZ 1 0 53.07466 -1.947628
ST13 7PA 2 0 53.074357 -1.93458
ST13 7PB 2 0 53.075666 -1.929249
ST13 7PD 1 0 53.103522 -1.912777
ST13 7PE 6 0 53.094948 -1.882779
ST13 7PF 3 0 53.071207 -1.91432
ST13 7PG 2 0 53.066987 -1.908639
ST13 7PH 2 0 53.072419 -1.926195
ST13 7PJ 2 0 53.068504 -1.917739
ST13 7PL 1 0 53.067608 -1.921923
ST13 7PN 2 1 53.066531 -1.924593
ST13 7PP 4 0 53.059753 -1.911463
ST13 7PQ 6 0 53.062947 -1.903174
ST13 7PR 9 0 53.058412 -1.909018