all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7LT 4 0 53.109486 -2.005203
ST13 7LU 1 1 53.106097 -2.00211
ST13 7LW 9 1 53.118017 -1.991712
ST13 7LX 6 2 53.105172 -2.002245
ST13 7LY 11 0 53.097333 -2.00553
ST13 7LZ 16 1 53.095769 -1.992926
ST13 7NA 10 0 53.084353 -1.998108
ST13 7NB 3 0 53.090555 -1.997809
ST13 7ND 19 0 53.093979 -1.984668
ST13 7NE 3 0 53.099633 -1.982874
ST13 7NF 3 0 53.098632 -1.968134
ST13 7NG 2 0 53.108548 -1.971156
ST13 7NH 5 0 53.088144 -1.976234
ST13 7NJ 1 0 53.086563 -1.979445
ST13 7NL 1 0 53.079296 -1.965816
ST13 7NN 4 0 53.073447 -1.97566
ST13 7NP 41 0 53.064625 -2.038549
ST13 7NQ 4 1 53.092774 -1.976963
ST13 7NR 6 0 53.064086 -2.037653
ST13 7NS 79 0 53.067529 -2.03494