all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7QX 4 0 53.049273 -1.925566
ST13 7QY 8 0 53.044547 -1.915909
ST13 7QZ 11 1 53.049275 -1.903846
ST13 7RG 12 0 53.095997 -1.923858
ST13 7RH 4 0 53.094659 -1.901954
ST13 7RJ 3 0 53.091666 -1.891941
ST13 7RL 6 0 53.075536 -1.897579
ST13 7RN 4 0 53.075177 -1.909416
ST13 7RP 3 0 53.082398 -1.913581
ST13 7RQ 3 0 53.097003 -1.910147
ST13 7RR 1 0 53.090416 -1.912371
ST13 7RS 1 1 53.069688 -2.030853
ST13 7RU 21 3 53.094373 -1.928834
ST13 7SJ 4 0 53.097934 -1.94881
ST13 7RW 16 0 53.081853 -1.906327
ST13 7RX 6 0 53.112644 -1.938988
ST13 7RY 5 0 53.122494 -1.93469
ST13 7RZ 8 0 53.130712 -1.938593
ST13 7SD 16 1 53.090562 -1.929348
ST13 7SE 1 0 53.083056 -1.929673