all postcodes in ST13 / LEEK

find any address or company within the ST13 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST13 7TQ 4 0 53.115074 -1.902725
ST13 7TR 6 0 53.087144 -1.872498
ST13 7TS 2 0 53.092782 -1.866803
ST13 7TT 8 0 53.078078 -1.876585
ST13 7TX 1 0 53.082999 -1.842324
ST13 7UE 1 0 53.105519 -2.0271
ST13 7XZ 1 0 53.067695 -1.917132
ST13 7BJ 1 53.077639 -2.044218
ST13 7FA 0 53.078593 -2.041473
ST13 7NX 0 53.08337 -1.970474
ST13 7FD 0 53.078953 -2.04007
ST13 7FE 54 0 53.079492 -2.039488
ST13 7FF 41 0 53.079618 -2.041085
ST13 7FG 0 53.079366 -2.0421
ST13 7AR 29 0 53.081393 -2.02701
ST13 7AS 59 0 53.082013 -2.026502
ST13 7AW 30 0 53.080592 -2.028248
ST13 7AX 33 0 53.081635 -2.02804
ST13 7AZ 21 0 53.082471 -2.027593
ST13 7LJ 2 0 53.065783 -2.041488