all postcodes in ST14 / UTTOXETER

find any address or company within the ST14 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST14 5DF 9 0 52.895592 -1.911113
ST14 5DG 1 0 52.967053 -1.852736
ST14 5DH 25 0 52.967794 -1.863171
ST14 5DJ 3 0 52.970232 -1.881731
ST14 5DN 33 1 52.899359 -1.912544
ST14 5DP 21 0 52.965568 -1.859113
ST14 5DQ 10 0 52.965504 -1.857535
ST14 5DR 17 0 52.964409 -1.85928
ST14 5DS 10 0 52.909868 -1.889999
ST14 5DT 2 0 52.914185 -1.893108
ST14 5DU 4 0 52.919321 -1.896876
ST14 5DW 6 0 52.897795 -1.911272
ST14 5DX 1 0 52.914245 -1.910867
ST14 5DY 7 0 52.92012 -1.905872
ST14 5DZ 3 0 52.923447 -1.907739
ST14 5EA 15 1 52.925052 -1.913804
ST14 5EB 1 0 52.93117 -1.909002
ST14 5ED 7 0 52.929614 -1.91988
ST14 5EE 11 0 52.935967 -1.930848
ST14 5EF 7 1 52.933893 -1.935613