all postcodes in ST14 / UTTOXETER

find any address or company within the ST14 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST14 5AA 14 10 52.908279 -1.858719
ST14 5AB 1 0 52.910176 -1.874236
ST14 5AD 2 0 52.913037 -1.877036
ST14 5AE 10 3 52.914075 -1.872827
ST14 5AF 14 0 52.915695 -1.874622
ST14 5AG 15 0 52.918668 -1.88025
ST14 5DL 53 0 52.919166 -1.884321
ST14 5AH 6 0 52.920174 -1.885704
ST14 5AJ 34 0 52.921071 -1.883813
ST14 5AL 18 1 52.91946 -1.881229
ST14 5AN 36 0 52.919773 -1.879667
ST14 5AP 4 1 52.916578 -1.867466
ST14 5AQ 18 0 52.919624 -1.88404
ST14 5AR 16 1 52.925939 -1.863094
ST14 5AS 5 1 52.929358 -1.873554
ST14 5AT 3 0 52.934309 -1.879969
ST14 5AW 24 0 52.920718 -1.8813
ST14 5AX 6 0 52.924518 -1.879101
ST14 5AY 17 0 52.919945 -1.880827
ST14 5BA 4 0 52.920306 -1.882179