all postcodes in ST20 / STAFFORD

find any address or company within the ST20 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST20 0AA 11 0 52.741452 -2.208541
ST20 0AB 7 1 52.746592 -2.224461
ST20 0AD 10 1 52.751826 -2.218813
ST20 0AE 13 0 52.761268 -2.221973
ST20 0AF 6 0 52.754286 -2.229849
ST20 0AG 41 1 52.75522 -2.228903
ST20 0AH 8 0 52.753545 -2.231845
ST20 0AJ 7 1 52.753878 -2.231625
ST20 0AL 2 0 52.755767 -2.230879
ST20 0AN 1 0 52.755132 -2.224534
ST20 0AP 6 0 52.754658 -2.228236
ST20 0AQ 6 0 52.754069 -2.230678
ST20 0AR 30 0 52.778214 -2.265258
ST20 0AS 37 0 52.724645 -2.244662
ST20 0AT 9 0 52.756315 -2.22657
ST20 0AU 26 0 52.737547 -2.239107
ST20 0AW 9 0 52.822725 -2.301293
ST20 0AX 18 1 52.744019 -2.256769
ST20 0AY 8 0 52.753058 -2.232361
ST20 0AZ 11 0 52.754415 -2.232709