all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 2SD 0 53.010986 -2.234715
ST5 2SF 0 53.014352 -2.23275
ST5 2SG 0 53.013788 -2.235863
ST5 2SH 0 53.01453 -2.233646
ST5 2SJ 1 53.015247 -2.234201
ST5 2SL 2 53.014131 -2.235208
ST5 2SN 1 53.013882 -2.233985
ST5 2SP 0 53.013183 -2.232789
ST5 2SR 0 53.013523 -2.233417
ST5 2SS 0 53.012865 -2.234471
ST5 2ST 0 53.010735 -2.233923
ST5 2SU 2 53.012354 -2.233589
ST5 2SW 1 53.012867 -2.233324
ST5 2SX 1 53.012357 -2.232263
ST5 2SY 1 53.011116 -2.232375
ST5 2SZ 0 53.011411 -2.233212
ST5 2TA 6 53.01304 -2.236723
ST5 2TB 1 53.010361 -2.232178
ST5 2TD 0 53.013242 -2.234518
ST5 2TF 9 53.00824 -2.231808