all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 2QQ 0 53.000088 -2.249347
ST5 2QR 0 53.004624 -2.251221
ST5 2QS 2 53.003838 -2.248728
ST5 2QT 0 53.003638 -2.249591
ST5 2QU 0 53.002864 -2.250332
ST5 2QW 0 53.001061 -2.248414
ST5 2QX 6 53.002272 -2.249569
ST5 2QY 2 53.002806 -2.247843
ST5 2QZ 0 53.004104 -2.246107
ST5 2RA 0 53.003074 -2.248694
ST5 2RB 0 53.002668 -2.249466
ST5 2RE 2 53.012232 -2.226896
ST5 2RN 3 53.009728 -2.229536
ST5 2RP 2 53.009923 -2.230997
ST5 2RQ 0 53.001212 -2.244764
ST5 2RR 4 53.01058 -2.230778
ST5 2RS 4 53.011343 -2.231154
ST5 2RW 0 53.014154 -2.232436
ST5 2RY 8 53.012496 -2.229953
ST5 2RZ 0 53.013985 -2.231526