all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 0DP 0 53.03517 -2.218666
ST5 0DQ 1 53.034868 -2.216771
ST5 0DR 1 53.036529 -2.217629
ST5 0DS 0 53.035804 -2.21591
ST5 0DT 0 53.036191 -2.21554
ST5 0DU 0 53.037074 -2.214634
ST5 0DW 0 53.03607 -2.218059
ST5 0DX 0 53.037542 -2.214607
ST5 0DY 1 53.037132 -2.217334
ST5 0DZ 0 53.037617 -2.217545
ST5 0EA 0 53.033453 -2.218806
ST5 0EB 1 53.029077 -2.213044
ST5 0ED 0 53.027942 -2.214425
ST5 0EE 0 53.029555 -2.212122
ST5 0EF 2 53.028518 -2.213786
ST5 0EG 0 53.028713 -2.215592
ST5 0EH 2 53.02875 -2.214936
ST5 0EJ 1 53.03023 -2.216031
ST5 0EL 0 53.03059 -2.216078
ST5 0EN 9 53.030994 -2.216095