all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 0EP 14 53.032276 -2.218636
ST5 0EQ 3 53.03035 -2.214973
ST5 0ER 4 53.033272 -2.219536
ST5 0ES 8 53.032814 -2.219161
ST5 0ET 1 53.033945 -2.219972
ST5 0EU 0 53.034564 -2.220825
ST5 0EX 1 53.035599 -2.220204
ST5 0EY 1 53.035578 -2.221964
ST5 0EZ 1 53.036296 -2.222266
ST5 0GZ 0 53.029076 -2.218188
ST5 0HA 0 53.034874 -2.223004
ST5 0HB 1 53.034903 -2.222109
ST5 0HD 0 53.015994 -2.224859
ST5 0HE 6 53.031845 -2.218336
ST5 0HF 0 53.032374 -2.214208
ST5 0HG 0 53.032049 -2.214982
ST5 0HH 0 53.032214 -2.213193
ST5 0HJ 0 53.031538 -2.213786
ST5 0HL 0 53.031798 -2.214325
ST5 0HN 0 53.031356 -2.215053