all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 0HP 1 53.030846 -2.214141
ST5 0HQ 0 53.031463 -2.215561
ST5 0HR 2 53.030472 -2.216719
ST5 0HS 0 53.030101 -2.218223
ST5 0HT 0 53.029703 -2.219607
ST5 0HU 4 53.029472 -2.217862
ST5 0HW 0 53.031115 -2.214232
ST5 0HX 0 53.02512 -2.209073
ST5 0HY 0 53.036028 -2.221325
ST5 0JA 1 53.024109 -2.216448
ST5 0JB 23 53.024683 -2.216749
ST5 0JD 0 53.025677 -2.213668
ST5 0JE 0 53.026857 -2.212839
ST5 0JF 0 53.027765 -2.212739
ST5 0JG 1 53.016049 -2.214545
ST5 0JH 0 53.026443 -2.212911
ST5 0JJ 0 53.025976 -2.21279
ST5 0JL 0 53.02542 -2.212086
ST5 0JN 0 53.025016 -2.211816
ST5 0JP 0 53.026069 -2.21127