all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 7ER 5 1 53.041087 -2.253611
ST5 7ES 22 1 53.042163 -2.25487
ST5 7ET 6 0 53.043901 -2.257744
ST5 7EU 10 0 53.044896 -2.258958
ST5 7EW 43 1 53.041063 -2.252269
ST5 7EX 18 0 53.045212 -2.258572
ST5 7EY 38 0 53.046413 -2.259997
ST5 7EZ 32 0 53.046018 -2.259905
ST5 7HA 21 0 53.04577 -2.258009
ST5 7HB 25 0 53.04543 -2.257544
ST5 7HD 37 0 53.044399 -2.256375
ST5 7HE 7 0 53.043187 -2.255398
ST5 7HF 38 0 53.043189 -2.254309
ST5 7HG 36 0 53.043825 -2.255164
ST5 7HH 2 0 53.042678 -2.253531
ST5 7HJ 40 1 53.041968 -2.253914
ST5 7HL 3 3 53.043932 -2.251704
ST5 7HN 22 0 53.043437 -2.256459
ST5 7HQ 20 0 53.042613 -2.254768
ST5 7HT 16 3 53.035271 -2.244659