all postcodes in ST5 / NEWCASTLE

find any address or company within the ST5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST5 7HU 5 5 53.034427 -2.244431
ST5 7HW 50 0 53.043757 -2.252985
ST5 7HX 29 0 53.035884 -2.244409
ST5 7HY 5 1 53.036395 -2.245172
ST5 7HZ 13 2 53.036195 -2.246156
ST5 7JB 24 1 53.037403 -2.248236
ST5 7JD 26 3 53.038535 -2.24854
ST5 7JE 23 2 53.039292 -2.24844
ST5 7JF 23 3 53.039008 -2.250213
ST5 7JG 61 1 53.035716 -2.247137
ST5 7JH 29 2 53.037878 -2.249416
ST5 7JJ 22 0 53.037123 -2.249501
ST5 7JL 13 0 53.036644 -2.250915
ST5 7JN 40 0 53.035507 -2.252937
ST5 7JP 19 0 53.036008 -2.249674
ST5 7JQ 50 0 53.038543 -2.249495
ST5 7JR 30 0 53.035012 -2.253038
ST5 7JS 7 3 53.036306 -2.248632
ST5 7JT 17 0 53.035495 -2.249865
ST5 7JU 12 0 53.035151 -2.25113