all postcodes in ST9 / STOKE-ON-TRENT

find any address or company within the ST9 postcode district

Postcode Area

ST / Stoke-on-Trent

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ST9 0AA 3 1 53.03671 -2.04944
ST9 0AB 2 1 53.043996 -2.032294
ST9 0AD 5 0 53.036904 -2.033275
ST9 0AE 17 0 53.034189 -2.033422
ST9 0AF 7 0 53.038184 -2.01969
ST9 0AG 1 1 53.036009 -2.017317
ST9 0AH 13 0 53.024971 -2.092902
ST9 0AJ 13 3 53.035911 -2.000362
ST9 0AL 9 0 53.037471 -2.055392
ST9 0AN 4 0 53.025059 -2.09375
ST9 0AP 17 0 53.037147 -2.055898
ST9 0AR 21 0 53.031273 -2.064196
ST9 0AS 4 1 53.030208 -2.055457
ST9 0AT 30 0 53.036671 -2.052913
ST9 0AU 4 0 53.039404 -2.052544
ST9 0AX 4 0 53.036727 -2.051543
ST9 0AY 2 0 53.032349 -2.048464
ST9 0AZ 3 0 53.026625 -2.045836
ST9 0BA 19 3 53.042228 -2.051878
ST9 0BB 17 1 53.042453 -2.051819