all postcodes in SW16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW16 1LJ 0 51.437441 -0.133709
SW16 1LL 0 51.436911 -0.133701
SW16 1LN 0 51.436542 -0.133688
SW16 1LP 0 51.435874 -0.131873
SW16 1LQ 0 51.435775 -0.134136
SW16 1LR 1 51.435386 -0.133375
SW16 1LS 0 51.432223 -0.134655
SW16 1LW 0 51.436269 -0.1318
SW16 1LY 2 51.438012 -0.128923
SW16 1LZ 0 51.436982 -0.130835
SW16 1NA 1 51.437532 -0.129273
SW16 1NB 0 51.437365 -0.127798
SW16 1ND 0 51.437145 -0.12922
SW16 1NE 0 51.436598 -0.129326
SW16 1NF 0 51.436784 -0.130282
SW16 1NG 2 51.435958 -0.129223
SW16 1NH 0 51.435289 -0.129552
SW16 1NJ 0 51.435339 -0.130428
SW16 1NL 0 51.435307 -0.130674
SW16 1NQ 1 51.435548 -0.129441