all postcodes in SW16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW16 1NR 0 51.42695 -0.143544
SW16 1NS 2 51.424516 -0.142592
SW16 1NT 0 51.425935 -0.143614
SW16 1NU 0 51.427088 -0.144329
SW16 1NX 0 51.426796 -0.142877
SW16 1NY 0 51.427834 -0.143738
SW16 1NZ 0 51.424798 -0.142207
SW16 1PA 1 51.425269 -0.142461
SW16 1PG 2 51.430591 -0.129327
SW16 1PH 10 51.431065 -0.129163
SW16 1PJ 1 51.431926 -0.129013
SW16 1PN 2 51.431845 -0.129016
SW16 1PR 7 51.43261 -0.128496
SW16 1PS 0 51.432645 -0.128466
SW16 1PW 1 51.43209 -0.128057
SW16 1QA 1 51.430918 -0.130694
SW16 1QB 5 51.430687 -0.132545
SW16 1QD 0 51.431077 -0.132731
SW16 1QE 0 51.429103 -0.135271
SW16 1QF 0 51.427728 -0.136464