all postcodes in SW19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW19 1BA 15 8 51.415997 -0.187779
SW19 1BB 24 0 51.420593 -0.186691
SW19 1BE 24 2 51.416274 -0.184191
SW19 1BG 20 0 51.420468 -0.186121
SW19 1BH 37 0 51.417196 -0.18392
SW19 1BJ 33 0 51.417497 -0.184742
SW19 1BL 33 0 51.417185 -0.184352
SW19 1BN 46 0 51.417422 -0.185148
SW19 1BP 31 0 51.417695 -0.186489
SW19 1BQ 31 0 51.417272 -0.183572
SW19 1BS 53 0 51.416759 -0.186454
SW19 1BT 16 0 51.418627 -0.185733
SW19 1BU 47 1 51.419012 -0.184467
SW19 1BW 36 0 51.417401 -0.185523
SW19 1BX 22 1 51.419215 -0.185926
SW19 1BY 5 0 51.416025 -0.184369
SW19 1BZ 19 0 51.419355 -0.183403
SW19 1DA 36 0 51.420208 -0.185038
SW19 1DB 4 0 51.420845 -0.186695
SW19 1DD 6 6 51.4152 -0.181612