all postcodes in SW19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW19 1DE 1 1 51.415501 -0.191739
SW19 1DF 16 1 51.415828 -0.186707
SW19 1DG 47 7 51.415926 -0.185495
SW19 1DH 7 0 51.416351 -0.182731
SW19 1DJ 29 1 51.417511 -0.182757
SW19 1DL 27 0 51.417535 -0.18313
SW19 1DN 21 9 51.416559 -0.181673
SW19 1DP 57 0 51.419794 -0.18678
SW19 1DQ 9 0 51.416002 -0.184586
SW19 1DR 21 0 51.418391 -0.184448
SW19 1DS 44 0 51.419587 -0.185594
SW19 1DT 7 0 51.415988 -0.184889
SW19 1DU 15 0 51.418609 -0.18454
SW19 1DW 49 11 51.417703 -0.181229
SW19 1DX 24 1 51.41826 -0.186409
SW19 1DZ 4 0 51.416715 -0.18308
SW19 1ED 44 5 51.41906 -0.193986
SW19 1EE 101 11 51.416613 -0.19273
SW19 1EG 39 7 51.418057 -0.192505
SW19 1EH 24 6 51.418853 -0.193347