all postcodes in SW1V / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW1V postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW1V 2DD 0 51.490423 -0.139757
SW1V 2DH 0 51.491099 -0.142725
SW1V 2DJ 0 51.490854 -0.143167
SW1V 2DL 0 51.491006 -0.14306
SW1V 2DN 0 51.489982 -0.140336
SW1V 2DP 0 51.489132 -0.139463
SW1V 2DR 1 51.489451 -0.139613
SW1V 2DS 0 51.489733 -0.138819
SW1V 2DU 4 51.49014 -0.138865
SW1V 2DX 0 51.490006 -0.138434
SW1V 2DY 2 51.49067 -0.137787
SW1V 2DZ 0 51.490794 -0.1382
SW1V 2EA 0 51.491051 -0.137974
SW1V 2ED 1 51.491377 -0.137571
SW1V 2EE 1 51.491085 -0.13731
SW1V 2EH 0 51.491296 -0.142083
SW1V 2EJ 0 51.491177 -0.142549
SW1V 2EL 1 51.491132 -0.141932
SW1V 2EN 0 51.490836 -0.142495
SW1V 2ER 8 51.491616 -0.139496