all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
SW2 5BE051.455788-0.123676
SW2 5BH051.455954-0.125066
SW2 5BJ051.455833-0.121415
SW2 5BL151.456183-0.121386
SW2 5BN151.457055-0.121379
SW2 5BP051.456304-0.121064
SW2 5BS051.457201-0.120955
SW2 5BT051.457023-0.120531
SW2 5BW051.457332-0.121842
SW2 5BZ151.454519-0.12249
SW2 5DA051.454215-0.123179
SW2 5DB151.454192-0.122288
SW2 5DE051.455022-0.124715
SW2 5DF051.455168-0.123687
SW2 5DG051.454555-0.1259
SW2 5DH251.456448-0.127755
SW2 5DJ051.456339-0.128346
SW2 5DL051.456255-0.126409
SW2 5DN051.456488-0.126382
SW2 5DQ051.454278-0.124832