all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 5DR 1 51.456755 -0.126818
SW2 5DS 0 51.456754 -0.127869
SW2 5DT 0 51.456908 -0.126826
SW2 5DU 0 51.457197 -0.126872
SW2 5DX 0 51.457215 -0.127979
SW2 5DZ 8 51.457847 -0.127579
SW2 5EA 0 51.45697 -0.128436
SW2 5EB 0 51.455758 -0.127449
SW2 5ED 2 51.455298 -0.126805
SW2 5EF 0 51.455963 -0.127311
SW2 5EP 0 51.455921 -0.126924
SW2 5EQ 0 51.455667 -0.126819
SW2 5ET 0 51.453985 -0.121159
SW2 5EU 0 51.453674 -0.121964
SW2 5HA 0 51.454236 -0.121613
SW2 5HB 0 51.454422 -0.122077
SW2 5HD 0 51.454818 -0.120981
SW2 5HF 0 51.458435 -0.122229
SW2 5HG 0 51.456558 -0.122364
SW2 5HH 0 51.458004 -0.122808