all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 8JP 54 0 51.410178 -0.217012
SW20 8JQ 23 0 51.417332 -0.222659
SW20 8JR 28 0 51.40923 -0.216215
SW20 8JS 39 7 51.409125 -0.215213
SW20 8JT 1 1 51.409521 -0.214033
SW20 8JU 84 1 51.410484 -0.214081
SW20 8JX 66 5 51.410042 -0.212291
SW20 8JZ 63 0 51.410789 -0.212895
SW20 8JY 72 0 51.410505 -0.213692
SW20 8LA 61 0 51.411191 -0.211494
SW20 8LB 36 4 51.41076 -0.210375
SW20 8LD 48 0 51.411445 -0.210506
SW20 8LE 1 1 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 8LL 48 0 51.410133 -0.21768
SW20 8LN 36 0 51.409141 -0.216885
SW20 8LR 19 8 51.408413 -0.215701
SW20 8LS 49 0 51.409961 -0.216345
SW20 8LT 58 0 51.409995 -0.215668
SW20 8LU 49 0 51.410334 -0.215496
SW20 8LX 35 7 51.409305 -0.212895