all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 8ND 34 6 51.40974 -0.22907
SW20 8NE 6 6 51.409393 -0.229941
SW20 8NF 1 1 51.409701 -0.229483
SW20 8NG 13 1 51.410201 -0.227422
SW20 8NH 2 1 51.410593 -0.227239
SW20 8NJ 28 2 51.410318 -0.228036
SW20 8NL 29 0 51.411708 -0.228414
SW20 8NP 15 0 51.414177 -0.229914
SW20 8NR 5 0 51.415831 -0.230498
SW20 8NS 9 0 51.415221 -0.229946
SW20 8NT 12 0 51.416088 -0.229639
SW20 8NU 10 0 51.41542 -0.228874
SW20 8NW 19 0 51.41287 -0.229102
SW20 8NX 7 0 51.415014 -0.228746
SW20 8NY 6 0 51.414673 -0.229435
SW20 8NZ 18 0 51.414242 -0.228272
SW20 8PA 14 0 51.414705 -0.226759
SW20 8PB 4 0 51.413913 -0.226732
SW20 8PD 19 0 51.413877 -0.227884
SW20 8PE 4 0 51.413675 -0.228826