all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 0YF 1 0 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 0YW 1 1 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 0ZA 1 0 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 0ZJ 1 1 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 0AR 2 2 51.414631 -0.249992
SW20 0WW 1 1 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 0BN 37 0 51.408697 -0.234468
SW20 0BW 0 51.409214 -0.233528
SW20 0AF 0 51.418032 -0.240466
SW20 0NQ 1 0 51.417779 -0.237398
SW20 0AT 0 51.408384 -0.231015
SW20 0QG 6 0 51.418008 -0.237092
SW20 0QQ 19 0 51.417928 -0.236577
SW20 0NX 9 0 51.418098 -0.238339
SW20 0NZ 8 0 51.417778 -0.237374
SW20 0QE 15 0 51.417408 -0.237891
SW20 0QF 15 0 51.417386 -0.237001
SW20 0NY 19 0 51.417778 -0.237374
SW20 2AF 1 1 51.416938 -0.213374
SW20 2AL 1 0 51.416938 -0.213374