all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 8BJ 46 0 51.408409 -0.225507
SW20 8BL 46 0 51.408465 -0.225016
SW20 8BN 47 0 51.408439 -0.224528
SW20 8BP 3 3 51.407533 -0.223518
SW20 8BQ 42 1 51.408243 -0.226405
SW20 8BS 51 0 51.408606 -0.223645
SW20 8BT 48 1 51.408771 -0.223264
SW20 8BW 52 0 51.408577 -0.224135
SW20 8DA 74 1 51.409967 -0.210281
SW20 8DE 1 1 51.405756 -0.222519
SW20 8DG 64 0 51.406823 -0.221154
SW20 8DN 51 14 51.409558 -0.225952
SW20 8DQ 69 0 51.407312 -0.220143
SW20 8DR 45 15 51.409868 -0.223898
SW20 8DT 51 9 51.410163 -0.221988
SW20 8DX 51 5 51.410506 -0.21966
SW20 8DY 51 0 51.409391 -0.217934
SW20 8DZ 51 0 51.409353 -0.218396
SW20 8EA 5 0 51.408234 -0.218142
SW20 8EB 48 0 51.409344 -0.218957