all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 0DR 21 0 51.415108 -0.235588
SW20 0DS 24 0 51.415048 -0.237618
SW20 0DW 12 0 51.415111 -0.239398
SW20 0EA 4 0 51.4184 -0.236223
SW20 0HQ 3 0 51.418455 -0.234514
SW20 0EB 16 0 51.418743 -0.236339
SW20 0ED 4 0 51.418381 -0.23677
SW20 0EE 15 0 51.419141 -0.236497
SW20 0EF 6 0 51.418474 -0.237587
SW20 0EG 10 1 51.419219 -0.239902
SW20 0EH 10 0 51.419539 -0.239013
SW20 0EJ 7 0 51.419531 -0.242062
SW20 0EL 4 0 51.418429 -0.242996
SW20 0EN 1 0 51.419763 -0.243175
SW20 0EP 5 0 51.419818 -0.244487
SW20 0EQ 6 0 51.419082 -0.242137
SW20 0ER 7 0 51.419268 -0.244954
SW20 0ES 2 0 51.418481 -0.245271
SW20 0ET 24 1 51.418302 -0.245892
SW20 0EU 5 0 51.416344 -0.246067