all postcodes in SW20 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW20 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW20 0JF 44 0 51.407069 -0.232633
SW20 0JG 49 0 51.406681 -0.233727
SW20 0JH 2 2 51.405586 -0.240503
SW20 0JL 1 1 51.403402 -0.238166
SW20 0JN 33 0 51.406715 -0.231195
SW20 0JP 8 0 51.417944 -0.235857
SW20 0JQ 2 2 51.405065 -0.238117
SW20 0JT 21 3 51.408028 -0.229419
SW20 0JY 14 8 51.407621 -0.233494
SW20 0LA 39 12 51.409671 -0.231037
SW20 0LD 1 1 51.40974 -0.230891
SW20 0LJ 71 1 51.411201 -0.23174
SW20 0LL 1 1 51.409791 -0.231867
SW20 0LP 32 1 51.411579 -0.230561
SW20 0LQ 51 2 51.4114 -0.232409
SW20 0LR 18 5 51.409985 -0.229817
SW20 0LT 24 0 51.410553 -0.229925
SW20 0LU 1 1 51.40974 -0.230891
SW20 0LW 62 5 51.411219 -0.231169
SW20 0NA 7 0 51.418064 -0.229448