all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 1HF 23 4 51.447709 -0.124583
SW2 1HG 16 2 51.448146 -0.124364
SW2 1HJ 6 3 51.447723 -0.125406
SW2 1HP 26 8 51.446747 -0.124579
SW2 1HS 21 0 51.447055 -0.124725
SW2 1HT 32 3 51.445848 -0.124562
SW2 1HX 56 0 51.451789 -0.120487
SW2 1HY 36 0 51.449919 -0.121614
SW2 1HZ 39 1 51.4503 -0.121253
SW2 1JE 31 0 51.455002 -0.118412
SW2 1JF 2 1 51.459767 -0.116016
SW2 1JG 1 1 51.461272 -0.114641
SW2 1JH 43 0 51.4615 -0.112588
SW2 1JJ 10 0 51.460974 -0.112854
SW2 1JL 8 0 51.460924 -0.113086
SW2 1JN 9 0 51.4609 -0.113303
SW2 1JP 4 0 51.460881 -0.113779
SW2 1JQ 1 1 51.461103 -0.114749
SW2 1JR 8 0 51.460801 -0.11384
SW2 1JS 10 0 51.460768 -0.114043