all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 1DJ 16 0 51.456307 -0.112874
SW2 1DP 26 0 51.459557 -0.11369
SW2 1DQ 39 0 51.455983 -0.112283
SW2 1DR 37 0 51.459881 -0.111978
SW2 1DS 6 0 51.459148 -0.113966
SW2 1DT 16 0 51.459269 -0.113068
SW2 1DU 28 0 51.459509 -0.111792
SW2 1DX 52 0 51.46003 -0.113918
SW2 1EA 70 0 51.460456 -0.111983
SW2 1EB 62 1 51.459678 -0.113861
SW2 1ED 63 0 51.460035 -0.112087
SW2 1EH 10 0 51.460288 -0.111011
SW2 1EN 61 1 51.460717 -0.113642
SW2 1EP 56 0 51.460188 -0.114257
SW2 1ER 55 0 51.460595 -0.112236
SW2 1EW 33 0 51.461008 -0.112176
SW2 1EY 33 1 51.451564 -0.122166
SW2 1EZ 30 0 51.451536 -0.122685
SW2 1HA 16 0 51.451086 -0.122617
SW2 1HE 41 4 51.448977 -0.124027