all postcodes in SW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW5 9JF 6 51.488511 -0.193423
SW5 9JG 0 51.488837 -0.194226
SW5 9JH 11 51.488215 -0.194054
SW5 9JQ 1 51.488318 -0.1938
SW5 9JS 1 51.48825 -0.195819
SW5 9JT 1 51.489526 -0.195755
SW5 9JU 1 51.48768 -0.195568
SW5 9JX 1 51.487329 -0.195539
SW5 9JZ 0 51.488828 -0.195408
SW5 9LA 0 51.488687 -0.194981
SW5 9LD 0 51.487913 -0.194968
SW5 9LH 0 51.488734 -0.194533
SW5 9LS 4 51.492331 -0.194535
SW5 9LT 0 51.492132 -0.193851
SW5 9LU 0 51.492132 -0.193851
SW5 9LY 0 51.491967 -0.194232
SW5 9LZ 0 51.492489 -0.194874
SW5 9NA 2 51.492796 -0.194948
SW5 9NB 2 51.492207 -0.195245
SW5 9NF 1 51.491927 -0.195141