all postcodes in SW5 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW5 9NH 1 51.492035 -0.193999
SW5 9NJ 2 51.491395 -0.195061
SW5 9NL 0 51.491491 -0.194885
SW5 9NN 0 51.492404 -0.196376
SW5 9NP 1 51.492615 -0.196036
SW5 9NQ 0 51.491707 -0.195452
SW5 9NR 2 51.493059 -0.195068
SW5 9NW 0 51.492074 -0.195956
SW5 9PD 2 51.491521 -0.196266
SW5 9PE 1 51.491848 -0.197651
SW5 9PF 1 51.492341 -0.198092
SW5 9PG 0 51.492622 -0.198225
SW5 9PH 1 51.493203 -0.198001
SW5 9PJ 0 51.492837 -0.197612
SW5 9PL 0 51.492668 -0.197172
SW5 9PN 1 51.492851 -0.19679
SW5 9PP 0 51.492989 -0.196367
SW5 9PQ 0 51.492968 -0.198514
SW5 9PR 0 51.493236 -0.195493
SW5 9QA 2 51.491875 -0.193544