all postcodes in SW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW6 4LG 2 0 51.471874 -0.207399
SW6 4LH 21 1 51.472284 -0.207263
SW6 4LJ 5 0 51.472149 -0.207815
SW6 4LL 42 0 51.471927 -0.209178
SW6 4LP 7 0 51.472212 -0.204314
SW6 4LQ 23 0 51.472222 -0.206733
SW6 4LR 4 0 51.471889 -0.205565
SW6 4LS 15 7 51.472703 -0.201112
SW6 4LT 28 10 51.472483 -0.201975
SW6 4LU 45 7 51.472344 -0.203478
SW6 4LW 6 0 51.472928 -0.208202
SW6 4LY 12 5 51.472093 -0.204203
SW6 4LZ 56 26 51.471428 -0.206576
SW6 4NB 1 1 51.471088 -0.207252
SW6 4ND 30 0 51.470845 -0.207771
SW6 4NE 34 1 51.470596 -0.208035
SW6 4NF 18 3 51.470001 -0.208519
SW6 4NH 50 0 51.470289 -0.209126
SW6 4NJ 18 0 51.471553 -0.210042
SW6 4NL 21 0 51.471151 -0.209625