all postcodes in SW6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW6 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW6 4RJ 45 2 51.471139 -0.206458
SW6 4RL 23 4 51.470368 -0.207799
SW6 4RN 14 3 51.469177 -0.209876
SW6 4RR 12 6 51.469214 -0.208698
SW6 4RY 10 10 51.473312 -0.205063
SW6 4SA 45 4 51.477499 -0.191391
SW6 4SB 56 2 51.477128 -0.191247
SW6 4SD 3 0 51.476751 -0.191895
SW6 4SE 20 11 51.476408 -0.192355
SW6 4SF 8 0 51.475704 -0.193391
SW6 4SG 4 4 51.475883 -0.19323
SW6 4SJ 25 1 51.474983 -0.194428
SW6 4SL 69 0 51.474161 -0.195382
SW6 4SN 26 1 51.47375 -0.196103
SW6 4SQ 11 2 51.47561 -0.193601
SW6 4SR 23 6 51.473034 -0.197514
SW6 4SS 2 2 51.473138 -0.197198
SW6 4ST 21 6 51.473304 -0.198094
SW6 4SW 42 10 51.473445 -0.196763
SW6 4TJ 36 32 51.473852 -0.202752