all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 2DH 0 52.861992 -3.041634
SY11 2DJ 0 52.862434 -3.042462
SY11 2DL 0 52.86075 -3.042375
SY11 2DN 0 52.861465 -3.04327
SY11 2DP 0 52.861245 -3.040755
SY11 2DQ 1 52.861348 -3.042243
SY11 2DR 0 52.860896 -3.040553
SY11 2DS 0 52.861296 -3.038988
SY11 2DT 0 52.861127 -3.039384
SY11 2DU 0 52.860452 -3.037884
SY11 2DW 0 52.861533 -3.042722
SY11 2DX 0 52.86043 -3.039339
SY11 2DY 0 52.860581 -3.040217
SY11 2DZ 4 52.859816 -3.040691
SY11 2EA 1 52.865942 -3.037079
SY11 2EB 0 52.862572 -3.040044
SY11 2ED 0 52.863608 -3.039801
SY11 2EE 0 52.863367 -3.038577
SY11 2EF 1 52.859262 -3.051505
SY11 2EG 4 52.857699 -3.056085