all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 2EH 0 52.860298 -3.042024
SY11 2EJ 0 52.86496 -3.037353
SY11 2EL 3 52.857459 -3.055056
SY11 2EN 0 52.85699 -3.053218
SY11 2EP 1 52.856614 -3.055125
SY11 2ER 0 52.85771 -3.052166
SY11 2ES 1 52.857275 -3.052512
SY11 2ET 1 52.857422 -3.05284
SY11 2EU 0 52.85778 -3.052983
SY11 2EX 0 52.865565 -3.038095
SY11 2EY 0 52.856525 -3.053979
SY11 2EZ 0 52.855946 -3.052361
SY11 2HA 0 52.856684 -3.05226
SY11 2HB 0 52.856487 -3.052181
SY11 2HD 0 52.855686 -3.05133
SY11 2HE 1 52.855339 -3.050891
SY11 2HF 0 52.855566 -3.050673
SY11 2HG 3 52.856345 -3.057019
SY11 2HH 0 52.856402 -3.051644
SY11 2HJ 2 52.855989 -3.056639