all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 2JP 0 52.860571 -3.048804
SY11 2JQ 0 52.861489 -3.043657
SY11 2JR 0 52.860186 -3.048646
SY11 2JS 0 52.860163 -3.048259
SY11 2JT 0 52.85929 -3.047303
SY11 2JU 0 52.859795 -3.048161
SY11 2JW 0 52.859542 -3.049269
SY11 2JX 0 52.861167 -3.046531
SY11 2JY 0 52.85968 -3.044861
SY11 2JZ 0 52.85964 -3.04636
SY11 2LA 0 52.859217 -3.043957
SY11 2LB 0 52.859876 -3.043098
SY11 2LD 0 52.85979 -3.044238
SY11 2LE 0 52.860408 -3.044938
SY11 2LF 1 52.859472 -3.04199
SY11 2LG 0 52.859377 -3.040502
SY11 2LH 0 52.859069 -3.038653
SY11 2LJ 1 52.858838 -3.036375
SY11 2LL 0 52.861521 -3.033795
SY11 2LN 0 52.861232 -3.037056