all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 2HL 0 52.855299 -3.057424
SY11 2HN 0 52.855647 -3.056735
SY11 2HP 0 52.855163 -3.05448
SY11 2HR 3 52.855671 -3.054625
SY11 2HS 0 52.854723 -3.052465
SY11 2HT 0 52.855036 -3.052621
SY11 2HU 1 52.854515 -3.050485
SY11 2HW 1 52.855732 -3.055829
SY11 2HX 1 52.854258 -3.050077
SY11 2HY 0 52.854309 -3.054549
SY11 2HZ 0 52.854009 -3.054928
SY11 2JA 0 52.853359 -3.056159
SY11 2JB 1 52.852865 -3.055138
SY11 2JD 0 52.853742 -3.053585
SY11 2JE 1 52.855 -3.04959
SY11 2JF 1 52.854725 -3.049138
SY11 2JG 0 52.860473 -3.046722
SY11 2JJ 0 52.86278 -3.03892
SY11 2JL 8 52.859333 -3.052174
SY11 2JN 0 52.858943 -3.047888